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Solution Selling

224 pages, 1994

business & management

business & management

1082 books
Solution Selling is a sales and sales management process developed by Mike Bosworth. Jeffrey M. Fisher of Symix Computer Systems states, "Mike Bosworth has the best understanding of sales process in corporate America. "
Understanding the Buyer's Perspective

In Solution Selling, Michael T. Bosworth emphasizes the importance of understanding the buyer's perspective. He suggests that salespeople should not just focus on selling their product, but also on solving the buyer's problem. This approach can help build trust and establish a long-term relationship with the customer.

The Power of Questions

Bosworth highlights the power of asking the right questions. He believes that by asking insightful and thought-provoking questions, salespeople can uncover the buyer's needs and offer the most suitable solution. So, take some time to research and prepare your questions before meeting with a potential customer.

The Importance of a Sales Process

The book explores the importance of having a structured sales process. Bosworth argues that a well-defined process can help salespeople manage their sales activities more effectively and increase their chances of success. So, if you're in sales, it might be worth taking a look at your current process to see if there's room for improvement.

Building Credibility

Bosworth stresses the importance of building credibility with your customers. He suggests that salespeople can do this by demonstrating their knowledge and expertise, and by showing genuine interest in solving the customer's problem. Remember, people are more likely to buy from someone they trust and respect.

The Role of Emotions in Selling

In Solution Selling, it's clear that emotions play a crucial role in the sales process. Bosworth explains that people often make buying decisions based on their emotions, and then justify them with logic. So, next time you're selling, try to tap into the buyer's emotions to help them see the value of your solution.


Sam Altman

Sam Altman

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalistauthor

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