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352 pages, 2011



1382 books
Beatrice's sister Tess is missing. She returns home to London after receiving a frantic call on Sunday at lunch, only to find the police, her fiancé, and even their mother have given up hope of finding Tess. Beatrice refuses to accept this. She embarks on a dangerous journey to discover the truth about her sister's disappearance, facing both the costs of her actions and the truths she does not want to face about her sister.
Power of Sisterly Love

In 'Sister' by Rosamund Lupton, you'll explore the deep bond between two sisters. The book shows how this bond can drive a person to go to great lengths, even risking their own life, to find the truth about their sibling's death.

Unraveling a Mystery

The book is a thrilling journey of a woman trying to solve the mystery of her sister's death. As you read, you'll find yourself immersed in the suspense and intrigue, eager to piece together the puzzle.

Grief and Loss

Lupton beautifully portrays the emotions of grief and loss. She shows how these feelings can consume a person, but also how they can be a powerful motivator in seeking justice.

Importance of Trust

As you dig into the story, you'll see how trust plays a crucial role. The protagonist's trust in her sister's character leads her to question the official cause of death and embark on a quest for truth.

Narrative Style

One of the unique aspects of 'Sister' is its narrative style. The story is told through a letter from the protagonist to her deceased sister. This style adds a layer of intimacy and emotional depth to the story, making it a compelling read.


Emily Blunt

Emily Blunt


Sister found in libraries

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