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Simply Brilliant

272 pages, 2016

business & management

business & management

1082 books

Far away from Silicon Valley, in familiar, traditional, and even unglamorous fields, ordinary people are unleashing extraordinary advances that amaze customers, energize employees, and create huge economic value.

Their secret? They understand that the work of inventing the future doesn't just belong to geeks designing mobile apps and virtual-reality headsets or to social-media entrepreneurs hoping to launch the next Facebook.

Some of today's most compelling organizations are doing brilliant things in simple settings, such as retail banks, office cleaning companies, department stores, small hospitals, and auto dealerships.

William C. Taylor, the cofounder of Fast Company and best-selling author of Practically Radical, traveled thousands of miles to visit these hotbeds of simple brilliance and unearth the principles and practices behind their success.

He offers fascinating case studies and powerful lessons that you can apply to do ordinary things in extraordinary ways, regardless of your industry or profession.

Embrace Uniqueness

In Simply Brilliant, William C. Taylor encourages us to embrace our uniqueness. He believes that in order to stand out in a crowded market, we need to be different and offer something that no one else can. So, take a look at what makes you unique and use it to your advantage.

Innovation is Key

The book emphasizes the importance of innovation. It's not just about coming up with new ideas, but also about implementing them effectively. Taylor suggests that we should always be on the lookout for ways to improve and innovate in our respective fields.

Learn from the Best

Taylor encourages us to learn from the best in our field. He believes that by studying the strategies and techniques of successful people, we can gain valuable insights that can help us achieve our own success. So, don't hesitate to research and learn from the best.

Value of Hard Work

In Simply Brilliant, hard work is highlighted as a key factor to success. It's not just about having great ideas, but also about putting in the effort to make them a reality. So, roll up your sleeves and get ready to put in the work.

Importance of a Strong Culture

The book also explores the importance of a strong and positive culture in an organization. Taylor believes that a strong culture can drive performance and foster innovation. So, take a look at your own organization's culture and see if there's room for improvement.


authorTom Peters

Tom Peters


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204 books

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