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352 pages, 2016



1382 books
In the midst of chaos and widespread destruction, Roy Cooper--a Stoic, unassuming errand runner for various New York criminals--arrives in Los Angeles. But amid the chaotic scene, he is unable to complete his hit job. Instead, he finds a jogger being beaten by four gangbangers and winds up in the middle of the fray. After witnessing his fight with the gangbangers and suffering injuries himself, Roy ends up hospitalized in critical condition. And though he survives, he is mistaken as a hero when a video of the incident goes viral. Even though his intentions were to kill the man, parents of children all over Los Angeles are now petitioning to have Roy Cooper become their child's new superhero role model. Will these parents be able to look past his past criminal history and give him one more chance at redemption?
Unpredictable Plot Twists

Scott Frank's Shaker is full of unexpected plot twists that keep you on the edge of your seat. You'll find yourself constantly guessing what's going to happen next, making it a thrilling read.

Realistic Characters

The characters in Shaker are incredibly well-developed. Scott Frank has a knack for creating characters that feel real and relatable, making it easy for readers to connect with them on a deeper level.

Exploration of Human Nature

Shaker offers a deep exploration of human nature. It's not just a crime novel, but a study of how people react under pressure and in extreme situations. This book will make you question what you would do in the characters' shoes.

Gripping Narrative

The narrative in Shaker is gripping and engaging. Scott Frank's writing style is easy to follow, yet it draws you in and makes you want to keep reading. You'll find yourself lost in the story, eager to see how it all unfolds.

Insight into the Criminal Underworld

Shaker provides a fascinating insight into the criminal underworld. If you've ever wanted to take a look into the darker side of society, this book is a great place to start. Scott Frank paints a vivid picture of this world, making it feel both terrifying and intriguing.



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