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Sex After Grief

202 pages, 2019



705 books

Sex After Grief is the first book to address sex and grief together, giving it a place as a normal, positive, life-affirming part of emerging from such a difficult time. Joan Price draws on her own experiences as a widow since 2008, when she lost the love of her life to cancer

. She shares her raw grief journey, sexual reawakening (and the many stumbles along the way), and attempts to dip back into dating, along with excellent advice on handling each step.

 Recovery on Your Own Timeline, in Your Own Way: As Price says, there’s no right or wrong method or timeline for bringing our sexuality back into our lives; any combination is acceptable.

Grief is Personal

Joan Price emphasizes that everyone experiences grief differently. There's no right or wrong way to grieve, and it's important to respect your own process. You might find it helpful to explore your feelings through journaling or talking with a trusted friend.

Sexuality After Loss

Price explores the topic of sexuality after the loss of a loved one. She encourages readers to understand that it's okay to have sexual desires and to seek intimacy after grief. It's a natural part of being human and can be a part of the healing process.

Communication is Key

In 'Sex After Grief', the author stresses the importance of open communication. Whether it's with a new partner or a therapist, discussing your feelings and fears can help you navigate your journey towards sexual healing.

Self-Care and Healing

Joan Price encourages readers to take care of themselves physically and emotionally. This could mean seeking therapy, joining a support group, or simply taking time for self-reflection. It's okay to prioritize your own healing.

Moving Forward

The book doesn't just focus on the past, but also looks into the future. Price encourages readers to see that it's possible to find love and intimacy again, even after a profound loss. It's about moving forward, not forgetting the past, but embracing the possibility of new beginnings.