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Selling Free Enterprise

344 pages, 1995



999 books
economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books
Selling Free Enterprise (1999) by Elizabeth Fones-Wolf describes how conservative business leaders in the United States strove to reorient workers away from their loyalties to organized labor and government, teaching that prosperity could be achieved through reliance on individual initiative, increased productivity, and the protection of personal liberty. Based on research in a wide variety of business and labor sources, this detailed account shows how business permeated every aspect of American life, including factories, schools, churches, and community institutions.
The Power of Propaganda

In Selling Free Enterprise, Elizabeth Fones-Wolf explores how business leaders used propaganda to promote capitalism and free enterprise. They used various mediums like radio, television, and print to spread their message. This shows the power of communication and how it can shape public opinion.

The Role of Business Leaders

Fones-Wolf highlights the crucial role that business leaders played in shaping American society. They didn't just focus on their businesses, but also took an active role in promoting their ideologies. This takeaway encourages us to look at the broader impact of business beyond profits.

The Influence of Free Enterprise

The book takes a deep look into how the concept of free enterprise has shaped the American economy and society. It's not just a business model, but a way of life that has influenced everything from politics to culture. This encourages us to see the bigger picture when it comes to economic systems.

The Impact of Cold War

Elizabeth Fones-Wolf also digs into the impact of the Cold War on the promotion of free enterprise. The fear of communism led to a stronger push for capitalism and free enterprise. This shows how global events can influence domestic policies and ideologies.

The Importance of Public Opinion

In Selling Free Enterprise, it's clear that public opinion matters. Business leaders didn't just promote free enterprise, they worked hard to win the hearts and minds of the public. This takeaway reminds us of the importance of public opinion in shaping society and policy.


authorNoam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky


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