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Say Zoop!

64 pages, 2017

arts & entertainment

arts & entertainment

401 books

New from Hervé Tullet, Say Zoop! lets readers make their own music! To create a symphony of sounds, first say "Ooh." Then whisper "oh." Next, yell "zooop!" Say each word in succession, building up to the full-throated yell. You'll see what happens next! The newest book from Hervé Tullet magically responds with bursts of color and moving shapes, empowering children by letting their imaginations liberate and direct each page's reaction. Tullet's books define the genre of participatory bookmaking, encouraging readers to explore and interact with the physical book in all its dimensions. The reward is tremendous: a journey of whimsy and sheer fun that extends well beyond the book's pages. In this worthy and exhilarating companion to the bestselling trio launched with Press Here, Tullet's beloved dots will have readers literally “Ooh”-ing and “Ahh”-ing out loud in a happy collective encore. Say Zoop! Is an ideal interactive book for toddlers and young children.

Interactive Reading Experience

Say Zoop! by Hervé Tullet offers an interactive reading experience. It encourages readers to not just read, but also participate in the story by making sounds and actions. This makes the book a fun and engaging read for children.

Creativity and Imagination

The book encourages creativity and imagination. It's not just about reading words on a page, but also about using your imagination to bring the story to life. This can help children develop their creative thinking skills.

Learning Through Play

Say Zoop! is a great example of learning through play. The book uses sounds, colors, and actions to teach children about different concepts. This can make learning more enjoyable and effective for kids.

Visual and Auditory Stimulation

Hervé Tullet's book provides both visual and auditory stimulation. The colorful illustrations and the sounds that readers are encouraged to make can help stimulate children's senses and enhance their learning experience.

Bonding Time

Reading Say Zoop! can be a great bonding activity for parents and children. The interactive nature of the book can encourage conversations and interactions between parents and kids, making reading time more enjoyable and meaningful.
