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Savage News

352 pages, 2019



1382 books
Natalie Savage, who grew up hearing her dad rave about this guy Walter Cronkite and even named the family dog after him, is suddenly finding her efforts rewarded when she is assigned to cover the White House for ATN. Her life has been spent missing out on life's milestones, so now that she's up against a 26-year-old privileged frat guy who got his big break on television by eating raw animal parts on a reality program, he'll definitely come out on top—especially since ratings battles, sexual harassment at work, and a worldwide political catastrophe are all part of the job.
The Power of Media

In Savage News, Jessica Yellin explores the immense power and influence of the media. She shows how it can shape public opinion, drive narratives, and even influence policy decisions. It's a fascinating look into the world of journalism and its impact on society.

Challenges for Women in Journalism

Yellin digs into the unique challenges faced by women in the field of journalism. From gender bias to the struggle for equal pay and recognition, she paints a vivid picture of the hurdles women must overcome in this industry.

The Importance of Truth in Reporting

One of the key messages in Savage News is the importance of truth in reporting. Yellin emphasizes that journalists have a responsibility to report facts accurately and without bias, despite the pressures and influences they may face.

The Impact of Politics on Journalism

The book also explores the complex relationship between politics and journalism. Yellin shows how political agendas can often interfere with objective reporting, leading to a distorted view of events and issues.

The Personal Journey of a Journalist

Savage News is not just about journalism, it's also about Yellin's personal journey. She shares her experiences, struggles, and triumphs in a way that's both inspiring and relatable. It's a great read for anyone interested in the behind-the-scenes life of a journalist.


authorArianna Huffington

Arianna Huffington
