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578 pages, 2018


In Sapiens, Yuval Harari explores the history of human civilization since the Cognitive Revolution. He argues that we have experienced three major revolutions: cognitive, agricultural, and scientific. It was during the Cognitive Revolution that humans invented systems of writing and began to develop complex knowledge.

The Agricultural Revolution allowed humans to settle in one place, create a social hierarchy, and develop complex political cycles. We experience the Scientific Revolution today as a result of our ability to domesticate plants and animals and make them bear fruits or serve us in other ways.

The Power of Shared Myths

In Sapiens, Yuval Noah Harari explores the idea that shared myths are what truly separate humans from other species. He suggests that our ability to believe in and act upon shared myths, such as religions, nations, and money, has allowed us to build complex societies and achieve remarkable things.

The Agricultural Revolution Wasn't All Positive

Harari challenges the common belief that the Agricultural Revolution was a major step forward for humanity. He argues that while it allowed for the growth of civilization, it also led to a decline in the quality of life for individual humans, as they had to work harder and had less varied diets.

The Impact of the Cognitive Revolution

The Cognitive Revolution, according to Harari, was a turning point in human history. This is when we started to think in new ways and communicate more effectively, which allowed us to cooperate in larger groups and create new social structures.

The Future of Sapiens

Harari doesn't just look at the past, he also looks into the future. He suggests that advancements in technology and genetic engineering could lead to the creation of 'superhumans' or even the end of Homo Sapiens as we know it.

The Double-Edged Sword of Progress

Throughout Sapiens, Harari emphasizes that progress is a double-edged sword. While it has led to many improvements in our lives, it has also resulted in negative consequences such as environmental destruction and increased inequality. He encourages us to think critically about the impact of our actions.

Quotes 5

Sapiens is a thought-provoking journey that challenges everything we know about being human.

Barack ObamaBarack Obama - 44th U.S. President

Sapiens is a captivating exploration of the human species. It's a book that will change your perspective on the world.

Bill GatesBill Gates - Microsoft Co-founder

Sapiens is a sweeping history of the human race, from 40,000 feet. It's provocative and challenging.

Mark ZuckerbergMark Zuckerberg - Facebook CEO

Sapiens is a book that changes your perception of how the world works.

Chris EvansChris Evans - Actor, Filmmaker

Sapiens is a fascinating and illuminating book. It's a tour de force of science and history.

Daniel KahnemanDaniel Kahneman - Psychologist, Economist
Barack ObamaBill GatesMark ZuckerbergChris EvansDaniel Kahneman


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