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498 pages, 2019



1382 books
Growing up in the north-east, Lucy longed for more. She dreamed of Pete Doherty, poetry, and the opportunities London seemed to offer. She headed to university with her ticket to the promised land – she would be a shinier version of herself, going out every night and having conversations about Judith Butler. But once she got there, Lucy felt that big-city life wasn’t for her. As she struggled for the right words, clothes, and food, she realized that this city wasn’t right for her. Until it was. With an exciting event at her graduation, Lucy found herself on an adventure with no sense of who she was or what she was supposed to do.
Exploring the Complexity of Relationships

In Saltwater, Jessica Andrews paints a vivid picture of the complex relationships between family members. She explores the bond between a mother and daughter, showing how it can be both a source of strength and a cause of pain. This book encourages us to look into our own relationships and understand their complexities.

Understanding the Impact of Environment

Andrews shows us how our environment shapes us. The protagonist's life is deeply influenced by her upbringing in a working-class family in Sunderland and her later life in London. This book makes us see how our surroundings can impact our identity and life choices.

The Journey of Self-Discovery

Saltwater is a journey of self-discovery. The protagonist, Lucy, navigates through her life, trying to find her place in the world. This book encourages us to embark on our own journey of self-discovery and to embrace the process, no matter how challenging it may be.

The Power of Resilience

Throughout the book, Lucy faces numerous challenges and hardships. However, she shows remarkable resilience and determination. This book inspires us to be resilient in the face of adversity and to keep moving forward.

Exploring the Theme of Identity

Saltwater delves into the theme of identity. Lucy struggles with her identity, torn between her working-class roots and her new life in London. This book encourages us to explore our own identity and to be true to ourselves, regardless of societal expectations.
