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Saint Maybe

352 pages, 1996



1382 books

A family lives a happy existence in Baltimore. Then, one tragic and unexpected event occurs that will change their lives forever--particularly that of seventeen-year-old Ian Bedloe, the youngest son, who blames himself for the death of his older brother.

Depressed and depleted, Ian is almost crushed under the weight of unbearable, secret guilt. Then one crisp January evening, he catches sight of a glowing yellow neon window with the word "CHURCH" written above it. He enters and soon discovers that love conquers all--if you are willing to forgive yourself for your mistakes and learn from them too.

Exploring the Concept of Faith

In Saint Maybe, Anne Tyler explores the concept of faith and its impact on our lives. She shows us how faith can guide us through difficult times, providing a sense of purpose and direction. It's a great book to check out if you're interested in exploring the role of faith in your own life.

Understanding the Power of Guilt

Tyler digs deep into the power of guilt in this book. The main character, Ian, is driven by guilt to change his life completely. This book will make you think about how guilt can shape our actions and decisions, and how we can learn to cope with it.

The Importance of Family

Family is a central theme in Saint Maybe. Tyler shows us how family relationships can be complex and challenging, but also rewarding and fulfilling. If you're interested in books about family dynamics, you should definitely take a look at this one.

Dealing with Loss and Grief

Loss and grief are also key themes in this book. Tyler explores how different characters deal with loss and grief in their own ways. This book can help you understand and navigate your own feelings of loss and grief.

The Journey of Self-Discovery

In Saint Maybe, the main character, Ian, goes on a journey of self-discovery. He learns about himself, his values, and his purpose in life. If you're on your own journey of self-discovery, you might find some inspiration in Ian's story.
