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Safe for Democracy

400 pages, 1987



999 books
economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books
This book offers a fresh take on an old issue: the way two capitalist superpowers, Great Britain and the United States, responded to the challenges of revolution that emerged during the early years of this century. Focusing on two key figures--Woodrow Wilson and David Lloyd George--the book explores the collective impact on Western democracies of the Russian Revolution in 1917.
Understanding American Foreign Policy

In 'Safe for Democracy', Lloyd C. Gardner explores the history of American foreign policy. He digs into the roots of American interventionism, giving readers a comprehensive look into the decisions that have shaped the world as we know it today.

The Impact of Ideology

Gardner emphasizes the role of ideology in shaping foreign policy. He shows how the belief in spreading democracy has often led to military interventions, even when they weren't necessarily in the best interest of the countries involved. It's a fascinating look into the power of beliefs.

The Consequences of Intervention

One of the key takeaways from 'Safe for Democracy' is the long-term impact of American interventions. Gardner doesn't shy away from discussing the negative consequences, making it clear that actions taken in the name of democracy can sometimes lead to instability and conflict.

The Role of Key Figures

Gardner takes a deep look into the individuals who have shaped American foreign policy. From presidents to secretaries of state, he explores their motivations, decisions, and the impact they've had on the world. It's a great way to understand the human element in policy-making.

Lessons for the Future

Finally, 'Safe for Democracy' isn't just a history book. Gardner uses the past to offer lessons for the future, encouraging readers to think critically about the role of the United States in the world. It's a call to action for anyone interested in shaping a more peaceful, democratic future.


authorNoam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky


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