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Rookie Yearbook Four

352 pages, 2015

arts & entertainment

arts & entertainment

401 books

Rookiemag.com is a web magazine that speaks directly to modern young women by giving us a place to discuss the daily struggles we encounter in school, at home and in our relationships with friends and families.  

Rookie offers a safe space for teenage girls to share their thoughts, experiences and voices for a positive community of like-minded peers.

Embrace Your Individuality

In Rookie Yearbook Four, Tavi Gevinson encourages readers to embrace their individuality. He/she believes that everyone is unique and should not be afraid to show it. This book will inspire you to be yourself and not worry about what others think.

Importance of Self-Expression

Gevinson emphasizes the importance of self-expression. Whether it's through fashion, writing, or art, expressing yourself is a key theme in this book. You'll find plenty of inspiration to explore your own creative outlets.

The Power of Feminism

Rookie Yearbook Four is a powerful exploration of feminism. Gevinson shares her thoughts on the subject and encourages readers to research and understand the importance of gender equality. This book will make you see the world from a different perspective.

Navigating Adolescence

The book provides a guide to navigating the tricky waters of adolescence. From dealing with school, friends, and family to understanding your own changing emotions, Gevinson offers advice and insights that can help you through this challenging time.

The Value of Community

Gevinson highlights the value of community in Rookie Yearbook Four. She shows how connecting with others can provide support, inspiration, and a sense of belonging. Check out this book if you want to learn more about building and maintaining strong relationships.


Emma Watson

Emma Watson
