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Rissa Kerguelen

408 pages, 1976



1382 books
Rissa Kerguelen, daughter of a slain Federation president and a murdered space hero, vowed to take her revenge on the usurper who was responsible for her parents' deaths and her own unjust imprisonment. But in her quest for vengeance, Rissa would also find love and redemption—and lead a revolt that would change the face of the galaxy forever.
Power of Resilience

F.M. Busby's Rissa Kerguelen teaches us about the power of resilience. The protagonist, Rissa, faces numerous challenges but never gives up. This book encourages us to keep going, no matter how tough the situation gets.

Importance of Independence

Rissa Kerguelen is a story of a young woman's fight for independence. It shows us the importance of standing up for ourselves and making our own decisions. It's a great reminder that we are in control of our own lives.

Exploration of Human Nature

In Rissa Kerguelen, Busby explores the complexities of human nature. He delves into the characters' motivations, desires, and fears, giving us a deeper understanding of what it means to be human.

Value of Friendship

Throughout the book, Rissa forms strong bonds with various characters. These relationships play a crucial role in her survival and success. This book reminds us of the value of friendship and the importance of having a support system.

Intriguing World-Building

F.M. Busby creates a fascinating world in Rissa Kerguelen. The detailed descriptions and intricate plot make it a captivating read. If you're a fan of well-crafted science fiction, you'll definitely want to check out this book.


Tim O’Reilly

Tim O’Reilly


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