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Riders of the Purple Sage

328 pages, 2012



1382 books
The novel Riders of the Purple Sage, by Zane Grey, tells the story of a Mormon woman who is caught between religious zealots and Gentile gunmen. The setting for this novel is in Utah during the 19th century, offering an early critique on polygamy and plural marriage in the Old West.
The Power of Nature

Zane Grey uses the rugged landscape of the American West as a character in its own right. The book encourages readers to explore the beauty and harshness of nature, and how it shapes the lives and characters of those living within it.

The Struggle Between Good and Evil

The book presents a classic battle between good and evil. It's a great reminder that life is full of challenges and it's up to us to choose the right path. Check out how the characters in the book navigate this struggle.

The Importance of Independence

Riders of the Purple Sage emphasizes the value of independence. The characters are self-reliant, living in a harsh environment where they must rely on their own skills and strength to survive. It's a call to find your own strength and stand on your own two feet.

The Role of Women

Zane Grey presents strong, independent women characters, which was unusual for the time the book was written. It's a great opportunity to research the role of women in literature and society during this period.

The Influence of Religion

Religion plays a significant role in the book, influencing characters' actions and the plot. It's interesting to see how it's portrayed and how it impacts the story. Take a look at how religion shapes the world of Riders of the Purple Sage.


Tim O’Reilly

Tim O’Reilly
