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Revolutionary Wealth

512 pages, 2007

business & management

business & management

1082 books
economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books
science & nature

science & nature

1064 books
The Tofflers have given millions of readers new ways to think about wealth with their groundbreaking work on the causes and effects of rapid technological and societal change. The Revolutionary Wealth is a visionary book on wealth in the twenty-first century that provides a penetrating, coherent way to make sense of this time of vast global movements of capital.
Understanding the Third Wave

Alvin Toffler introduces us to the concept of the 'Third Wave', a new era of wealth creation driven by technology and knowledge. He encourages us to explore this idea and understand how it's reshaping our economy and society.

The Power of Prosumers

Toffler highlights the rise of 'prosumers', individuals who both produce and consume goods and services. This shift is changing traditional business models and it's worth taking a look at how it might impact your own life and career.

The Importance of Knowledge

In Revolutionary Wealth, knowledge is presented as the new currency. Toffler suggests that we should invest in learning and developing new skills to stay relevant and successful in this rapidly changing world.

The Impact of Globalization

Toffler digs into the effects of globalization on wealth creation. He shows us how it's not just about economic growth, but also about cultural exchange, political dynamics, and environmental issues. It's a complex topic, but Toffler makes it accessible and interesting.

Preparing for the Future

One of the key messages in Revolutionary Wealth is the need to prepare for the future. Toffler encourages us to research and understand the trends shaping our world, so we can adapt and thrive in the coming years.


Ev Williams

Ev Williams

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalist