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352 pages, 2009

business & management

business & management

1082 books


392 books
Lawrence Lessig's Remix is an urgent, eloquent plea to end the culture war against artists who create and consume art. America's copyright laws have ceased to perform their original, beneficial role: protecting artists creations while allowing them to build on previous creative works. In fact, our system now criminalizes those very actions. Remix offers an inspiring vision of the postwar world, where enormous opportunities await those who view art as a resource to be shared openly rather than a commodity to be hoarded.
Understanding the Remix Culture

In Remix, Lawrence Lessig explores the concept of 'remix culture'. This is a society that encourages and allows its members to add, modify, or recombine existing works to create something new. It's a fascinating look into how creativity is evolving in the digital age.

The Importance of Fair Use

Lessig emphasizes the importance of 'fair use' in copyright law. He argues that it's crucial for fostering creativity and innovation. So, if you're a content creator, you'll find it useful to understand how you can use others' works in a legal and respectful way.

The Impact of Outdated Laws

The book also digs into how outdated copyright laws can stifle creativity and innovation. Lessig believes that these laws need to be updated to reflect the realities of the digital age. It's a call to action for policymakers and a wake-up call for anyone who cares about the future of creativity.

The Power of the Internet

Lessig shows us how the internet has revolutionized the way we create and share content. He sees it as a powerful tool for remix culture, enabling anyone with a connection to become a creator. If you're interested in the digital world, you'll want to check this out.

The Role of Corporations

Finally, Remix takes a look at the role of corporations in shaping copyright laws and the digital landscape. Lessig argues that they often prioritize their own interests over the public good. It's a thought-provoking exploration of power dynamics in the digital age.


Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Joseph Gordon-Levitt
