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Regional Advantage

240 pages, 1996

business & management

business & management

1082 books
In the 1990s, California’s Silicon Valley and Massachusetts’ Route 128 had similar histories and comparable technologies. Despite this similarity, Silicon Valley developed a decentralized but cooperative industrial system while Route 128 came to be dominated by independent, self-sufficient corporations. The result was that despite sharing histories and technologies, Silicon Valley had more success than Route 128 in the 1990s. Annalee Saxenian’s analysis suggests that decentralized and cooperative systems are much more likely to succeed than ones in which independent and self-sufficient corporations dominate.
The Power of Open Networks

In 'Regional Advantage', AnnaLee Saxenian explores the importance of open networks in fostering innovation. She compares Silicon Valley's open, decentralized networks to the closed, hierarchical structures of Route 128 in Massachusetts. The takeaway? Open networks encourage collaboration, information sharing, and ultimately, greater innovation.

The Role of Culture in Economic Development

Saxenian digs into the role of culture in economic development. She finds that Silicon Valley's culture of risk-taking and failure acceptance has played a significant role in its success. This is a great reminder that culture can be a powerful driver of economic growth.

The Importance of Regional Economies

The book also highlights the importance of regional economies. It shows how regional characteristics, like local institutions and industrial structures, can influence economic development. So, if you're interested in economic development, you might want to check out how your region's characteristics can shape its economic future.

The Impact of Immigration on Innovation

Saxenian also explores the impact of immigration on innovation. She finds that immigrant entrepreneurs have significantly contributed to Silicon Valley's success. This is a great reminder of the value of diversity and inclusion in fostering innovation.

The Need for Adaptability in Business

Lastly, 'Regional Advantage' emphasizes the need for adaptability in business. It shows how Silicon Valley's ability to adapt to technological changes has contributed to its success, while Route 128's inability to do so has led to its decline. This takeaway is a great reminder of the importance of adaptability in today's fast-paced business environment.


authorKevin Kelly

Kevin Kelly
