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Reflections on the Cuban Missile Crisis

236 pages, 1989



999 books
economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books
Author Raymond L. Garthoff presents a unique combination of memoir, historical analysis, and political interpretations in this book that provides key facts and insight into his findings, which were printed in the first edition of Reflections in 1987. In particular, he focuses on the aftermath and afterlife of the crisis and its bearing on current and future policy. The Soviet response to the first edition of Reflections has been a prime example of the new openness under glasnost in discussing previously taboo subjects. Using new revelations—such as the fact that Moscow had twice as many troops in Cuba as the Kennedy administration believed—from key Soviet and Cuban Sources, Garthoff has revised his earlier analysis to produce the most accurate, eye-opening story yet of the 1963 crisis.
Understanding the Cuban Missile Crisis

In 'Reflections on the Cuban Missile Crisis', Raymond L. Garthoff takes us back to one of the most critical moments in world history. He provides a detailed account of the events that led to the crisis, the decisions made by key players, and the aftermath. It's a great read if you want to dig deeper into this historical event.

The Role of Diplomacy

Garthoff emphasizes the importance of diplomacy in resolving conflicts. He shows how diplomatic negotiations between the United States and the Soviet Union played a crucial role in preventing a nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis. This book will make you see the power of diplomacy in a new light.

Insights into Cold War Politics

The book offers a unique perspective on the politics of the Cold War era. Garthoff's research and analysis help us understand the complex dynamics between the superpowers during this tense period. If you're interested in Cold War politics, this book is a must-read.

Lessons from History

One of the key takeaways from 'Reflections on the Cuban Missile Crisis' is the lessons it offers from history. Garthoff's analysis of the crisis shows how close the world came to a nuclear war and the importance of learning from our past mistakes. It's a reminder of the need for effective communication and negotiation in international relations.

Garthoff's Expertise

Raymond L. Garthoff's expertise in international relations and his firsthand experience as a participant in the events he describes make this book a valuable resource. His insights and reflections provide a deeper understanding of the Cuban Missile Crisis. If you're looking to explore this topic in depth, you'll find this book incredibly informative.



authorNoam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky
