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848 pages, 2020



1382 books
Ramona Quimby, 9-year-old sister of Beezus, 4, is the bane of her older sister's existence. Whether she's literally coloring on the walls, spilling grape juice on her sister's best dress, or inviting all of their friends to a party in Daddy's office, Ramona is always getting into some kind of mischief. But no matter how exasperating or embarrassing it may get, Beezus loves her little sister and would do anything for her. And even as she struggles with her constant frustration with Ramona's behavior, she has to admit that it's all worth it in the end.
Understanding Childhood Emotions

Beverly Cleary's Ramona allows us to explore the world through the eyes of a child. It reminds us that children have their own unique perspectives and emotions, which are often misunderstood or overlooked by adults. This book encourages us to be more empathetic and understanding towards children's feelings.

Importance of Family

In Ramona, Cleary emphasizes the importance of family. Despite the ups and downs, Ramona's family always sticks together and supports each other. This book encourages us to cherish our family relationships and work through conflicts together.

Dealing with Change

Change is a constant theme in Ramona. Whether it's moving to a new school or dealing with her father's job loss, Ramona learns to adapt and grow. This book encourages us to see change as an opportunity for growth, rather than something to fear.

Value of Imagination

Ramona's vivid imagination is a key aspect of her character. It not only entertains her but also helps her cope with difficult situations. This book encourages us to nurture our imagination and use it as a tool for problem-solving and creativity.

Learning from Mistakes

Throughout the book, Ramona makes plenty of mistakes. But she learns from them and tries to do better next time. This book encourages us to see mistakes as learning opportunities, rather than failures.


Audrey Gelman

Audrey Gelman


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