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Raising Girls

224 pages, 2014



909 books


705 books

Practical guidebook and passionate call-to-arms for parents of girls that empowers them to raise confident, well-rounded daughters in an exploitative world, from the author of the international bestseller Raising Boys.

From babyhood to womanhood, raising a happy, healthy, well-adjusted daughter can be a challenge. Girls need to be strong, and in this warm-hearted book, best-selling parenting author Steve Biddulph brings together the finest thinking from around the world on how to raise daughters who are self-assured, know they are loved, and can stand up for themselves and others.

With gentle humor and proven wisdom backed by decades of experience as a family psychologist and father, Biddulph shows parents of girls how to navigate the obstacles of growing up in a world that seems bent on poisoning their confidence.

Understanding the Different Stages of Girlhood

In Raising Girls, Steve Biddulph emphasizes the importance of understanding the five stages of girlhood. He believes that each stage has its own unique challenges and opportunities. By understanding these stages, parents can provide the right support and guidance at the right time.

The Importance of a Strong Female Role Model

Biddulph stresses the importance of a strong female role model in a girl's life. He suggests that this role model can be a mother, aunt, teacher, or family friend. This person can help a girl navigate the complexities of growing up and provide a positive influence.

Building Self-Esteem and Confidence

Raising Girls explores the importance of building self-esteem and confidence in girls from a young age. Biddulph provides practical tips and strategies for parents to help their daughters develop a strong sense of self-worth.

The Role of Fathers in a Girl's Life

Steve Biddulph highlights the crucial role that fathers play in their daughters' lives. He encourages fathers to be actively involved, showing affection, and providing emotional support. This involvement can have a profound impact on a girl's self-esteem and her relationships in the future.

Protecting Girls from Negative Media Influence

In Raising Girls, Biddulph discusses the negative impact of media on girls' self-image. He encourages parents to help their daughters understand and critique media messages, promoting a healthy and realistic self-image.


Daniel Ek

Daniel Ek

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