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567 pages, 2015

health & fitness

health & fitness

316 books
From chef Gabrielle Hamilton, of the Prune restaurant in New York City, comes her eagerly anticipated cookbook debut. A self-taught cook, Hamilton opened Prune fifteen years ago to great acclaim and lines down the block--lots of them. The acclaimed restaurant takes elements of home cooking and elevates them in unexpected ways. The result is delicious food that satisfies on many levels. Inspired by the restaurant binder's format, the cookbook is an authentic replica in form, content, and feeling. With personal stories, detailed photos, and stunningly simple recipes, it's a stunning debut cookbook from a favorite New York City hot spot.
Embrace Imperfections

In Prune, Gabrielle Hamilton encourages us to embrace the imperfections in our cooking. She believes that it's these little quirks that make our dishes unique and memorable. So, next time you're in the kitchen, don't stress about getting everything perfect. Instead, let your personality shine through your food.

The Importance of Fresh Ingredients

Hamilton emphasizes the importance of using fresh, high-quality ingredients in your cooking. She suggests that you explore your local farmer's market or grocery store to find the best produce. You'll be amazed at the difference it can make in your dishes.

Cooking is an Art

Prune is not just a cookbook, it's a testament to the fact that cooking is an art. Gabrielle Hamilton invites you to see the beauty in the process of preparing a meal, from selecting the ingredients to presenting the final dish. So, take a moment to appreciate the artistry in your kitchen.

Learn from Your Mistakes

Hamilton teaches us that it's okay to make mistakes in the kitchen. In fact, she believes that these are the moments when we learn the most. So, don't be afraid to experiment and try new things. You never know, you might just stumble upon your next favorite recipe.

The Joy of Sharing Food

One of the key takeaways from Prune is the joy of sharing food with others. Gabrielle Hamilton encourages us to cook for our loved ones and to enjoy the communal experience of eating together. So, why not invite some friends over and try out a new recipe from the book? You'll not only have a great meal, but also create some wonderful memories.


authorAnthony Bourdain

Anthony Bourdain


Prune found in libraries

66 books

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