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Preston Falls

333 pages, 1998



1382 books
In his first novel, Jernigan , David Gates sends protagonist Doug Willis on a visceral journey to explore the dark side of suburban masculinity, the claim's youth makes on middle age, and the tenacious—at times perverse--power of love to assert itself. In this comic and poignant novel, when Doug Willis has a midlife crisis, he doesn't join a gym or have an affair. Instead, he gets himself arrested while camping with his wife and kids, takes a two-month leave of absence from his PR job, and retreats to his farmhouse in rural Preston Falls--where he plugs in his guitar and tries to shut out his life. While Willis' suburban wife Jean struggles to pay the bills and raise their sullen, skeptical kids, Willis' plans for hiatus crumble into Dewars-and-cocaine fueled disarray. A shattered window, an unguarded gun, and a shady small-town attorney force a crisis--and Willis can't go home again.
Exploring the Complexity of Relationships

In Preston Falls, David Gates takes us on a journey into the complex world of relationships. He shows us that relationships are not always black and white, but rather filled with shades of grey. This book encourages us to look into our own relationships and understand their complexities.

Understanding the Human Psyche

Gates does a fantastic job of delving into the human psyche. He explores the inner workings of his characters, revealing their deepest fears and desires. This book will make you see the importance of understanding your own mind and emotions.

The Power of Self-Reflection

Preston Falls is a book that encourages self-reflection. As you read about the characters' struggles and triumphs, you'll find yourself reflecting on your own life. This book is a great reminder of the power of self-reflection and personal growth.

The Struggles of Midlife Crisis

The book takes a deep look into the struggles of midlife crisis. Gates paints a vivid picture of a man grappling with his identity and purpose in life. If you're going through a similar phase, this book can provide some much-needed perspective.

The Art of Storytelling

David Gates is a master storyteller. In Preston Falls, he weaves a compelling narrative that keeps you hooked from start to finish. If you're an aspiring writer, this book is a great example of how to craft engaging stories.
