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Press Here

56 pages, 2011



1382 books

For the youngest of children, this playful book will help develop an understanding of cause and effect. This book encourages interaction by having readers press the yellow dot on the cover, follow the instructions within, and embark upon a magical journey!

Each page of this surprising book instructs the reader to press dots, shake the pages, tilt the book, and who knows what will happen next. Children and adults alike will giggle with delight as dots multiply, change direction, and grow!

The adventure in Press Here occurs on the flat surface of the simple printed page, making it especially remarkable. This unique picture book about imagination and interactivity will provide read-aloud fun for all ages.

Interactive Reading Experience

Press Here by Hervé Tullet offers a unique, interactive reading experience. The book encourages readers to press, shake, and tilt the pages, making them feel like they're part of the story. It's a great way to engage young readers and make reading fun.

Boosts Imagination

Tullet's book is a fantastic tool for boosting imagination. It doesn't rely on flashy illustrations or complex storylines. Instead, it uses simple dots and instructions to let the reader's imagination run wild. It's a great way to encourage creativity in kids.

Teaches Cause and Effect

Press Here is a great way to teach kids about cause and effect. As they follow the instructions on each page, they can see the direct results of their actions. This can help them understand this important concept in a fun and engaging way.

Encourages Physical Interaction

Unlike many children's books, Press Here encourages physical interaction. Kids aren't just reading; they're moving, shaking, and tilting the book. This can help develop motor skills and make reading a more active experience.

Perfect for All Ages

One of the best things about Press Here is that it's perfect for all ages. Younger kids will love the interactive elements, while older kids and adults can appreciate the clever concept and minimalist design. It's a book that everyone can enjoy.


John Maeda

John Maeda
