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Presidents of War

752 pages, 2018

economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books


999 books
A densely researched, acclaimed work in which the author presents an intimate and irresistibly readable chronicle of the Chief Executives who took the United States into conflict and mobilized it for victory. From the War of 1812 to Vietnam, we see these leaders seeking comfort from their spouses and friends; struggling with Congress, the courts, the press, and antiwar protesters; considering the difficult decision to send hundreds of thousands of Americans to their deaths; and dropping to their knees in prayer. Through Beschloss’s interviews with surviving participants and findings in original letters (once-classified national security documents), we come to have a fuller understanding of how these Presidents were able to withstand the pressures of war—or were broken by them.
The Power of Presidential Decisions

In Presidents of War, Michael Beschloss explores the immense power that U.S. Presidents hold when it comes to deciding to go to war. He shows us how these decisions have shaped the country's history and continue to impact our lives today. It's a fascinating look into the pressures and responsibilities of the presidency.

The Human Side of Presidents

Beschloss digs into the personal lives of the presidents, revealing their fears, hopes, and motivations. This book gives us a chance to see the human side of these powerful figures, reminding us that they were people just like us, faced with incredibly difficult decisions.

The Impact of War on Society

Presidents of War isn't just about the presidents themselves. It's also about the effects of their decisions on the American people. Beschloss researches how war has changed society, from the economy to civil liberties. It's a sobering reminder of the far-reaching consequences of war.

The Evolution of Presidential Power

Beschloss takes us on a journey through history, showing how the power of the presidency has evolved over time. He explores how different presidents have expanded their authority, often during times of war. It's a fascinating look into the changing nature of American politics.

The Importance of Leadership

In Presidents of War, Beschloss highlights the importance of strong leadership. He shows us how the decisions of a single individual can change the course of history. It's a powerful reminder of the impact we can all have when we step up and lead.


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