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Portfolios of the Poor

296 pages, 2010

economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books
Earning two dollars a day, it's hard to imagine survival. Do you buy food or pay rent? How do you educate your children and cope with emergencies? Over a billion people are faced with these questions every day, but most don't think about how the poor find answers. Portfolios of the Poor is a collection of interviews with impoverished families and slum dwellers detailing their strategies for managing their finances, cent by penny. The tales are surprising, inspiring, and may change the way readers view the world.
Understanding the Financial Lives of the Poor

In 'Portfolios of the Poor', Daryl Collins takes us on a journey to explore the financial lives of the world's poorest people. He reveals that they are not just surviving, but actively managing their financial situation with complex strategies and tools.

The Importance of Microfinance

The book highlights the importance of microfinance in poverty alleviation. It shows how small loans and savings accounts can make a big difference in the lives of the poor, allowing them to invest in their future and break the cycle of poverty.

The Role of Informal Financial Services

Collins digs into the role of informal financial services, like moneylenders and rotating savings clubs. He finds that these services, often overlooked by traditional financial institutions, play a crucial role in helping the poor manage their money.

The Need for Flexible Financial Products

One key takeaway from 'Portfolios of the Poor' is the need for more flexible financial products. The poor often face unpredictable income and expenses, and they need financial tools that can adapt to their unique circumstances.

The Power of Financial Diaries

The book uses financial diaries, a research tool that tracks every penny spent and earned, to shed light on the financial lives of the poor. This approach provides a detailed and nuanced picture of how the poor manage their money, offering valuable insights for policymakers and financial institutions.

Quotes 3

Portfolios of the Poor is a groundbreaking book that offers a penetrating and illuminating view of how the world's poor manage their money. It is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding poverty and economic development.

Bill GatesBill Gates - Microsoft Co-founder

This book is a path-breaking study, a rich and illuminating analysis of how the poor manage their money. It is a valuable contribution to our understanding of poverty and microfinance.

Muhammad YunusMuhammad Yunus - Grameen Bank Founder

Portfolios of the Poor is a fascinating book. It challenges many of our assumptions about how the poor manage their money and gives us a deep insight into their lives.

Esther DufloEsther Duflo - Economist, Professor
Bill GatesMuhammad YunusEsther Duflo


Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalist

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