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Plants-Only Kitchen
244 pages, 2020
Gaz Oakley, with over a million followers and his weekly posts of plant-based recipes from his popular blog Avant Garde Vegan, has exploded the possibilities of what it means to live a vegan lifestyle.
In Plants-Only Kitchen, Gaz has collected his most popular and beloved recipes in one place—with new photos and easy-to-follow icons that make it quick and simple to recognize which meals are high in protein, can be made within 15 minutes or less, and are already preprepared for you to grab on your way home.
Gaz Oakley's Plants-Only Kitchen is a treasure trove of plant-based recipes. He invites you to explore the world of vegan cooking, showing you that it's not just about salads, but a wide variety of delicious and satisfying meals.
One of the key takeaways from Plants-Only Kitchen is that vegan cooking doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. Gaz Oakley provides a range of recipes that are easy to follow and quick to make, perfect for those busy weekdays.
Gaz Oakley doesn't just provide recipes, he also delves into the health and nutritional benefits of a plant-based diet. You'll find valuable information on how to ensure you're getting all the nutrients you need while enjoying tasty vegan meals.
In Plants-Only Kitchen, Gaz Oakley shares innovative cooking techniques that will take your vegan cooking to the next level. From making your own vegan cheese to creating mouth-watering desserts, you'll learn new skills that will impress your friends and family.
More than just a cookbook, Plants-Only Kitchen is a source of inspiration for those considering a plant-based lifestyle. Gaz Oakley's passion for vegan cooking shines through, encouraging you to embrace this way of life not just for your health, but for the environment too.