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Physics from Finance

199 pages, 2019

science & nature

science & nature

1064 books
money & investing

money & investing

165 books
Don't you wish you could understand the laws of nature without spending years in school? Now, there's a book that explains the fundamental interactions between particles, fields, and gravity. Here's what you'll learn from this book: Knowing how to describe interactions between fundamental particles using the same key ideas from physics doesn't have to be confusing and hard. You can grasp how we can describe electromagnetic interactions, weak interactions, strong interactions and gravity using the same key ideas. Learning how to describe modern physics mathematically allows readers like you to understand the meaning and origin of the Einstein equation, Maxwell’s equations, and the Schrödinger equation. Also, Develop an intuitive understanding of key concepts like Gauge Symmetry, Internal Spaces, Gauge Fields, Connections and Curvature through the use of a simple toy model of the financial market.
Understanding Physics through Finance

In 'Physics from Finance', Jakob Schwichtenberg presents a unique approach to understanding physics. He uses financial concepts as a tool to explain complex physics theories. This approach makes the subject more accessible and relatable, especially for those who find physics challenging.

The Connection between Physics and Finance

The book explores the surprising connection between physics and finance. Schwichtenberg shows how the mathematical models used in finance can also be applied to physics. This connection helps to simplify and demystify some of the most complex concepts in physics.

Learning Physics without Prior Knowledge

One of the key takeaways from 'Physics from Finance' is that you don't need a background in physics to understand the subject. Schwichtenberg's approach is beginner-friendly, making it a great resource for anyone interested in learning about physics.

Practical Application of Physics

Schwichtenberg doesn't just explain the theories, he also shows how they can be applied in real-world situations. This practical approach helps readers see the relevance and importance of physics in everyday life.

Innovative Teaching Method

The book is a testament to Schwichtenberg's innovative teaching method. By using finance as a lens to view physics, he makes the subject more engaging and less intimidating. This method could potentially revolutionize how physics is taught and learned.


Balaji S. Srinivasan

Balaji S. Srinivasan

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalist