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639 pages, 1993

science & nature

science & nature

1064 books
If you get only one book on the topic of psychoactive plants and compounds, this is it. This book is the most complete reference book available on the subject. It includes everything a reader needs to know about psychoactive plants and compounds—including where they grow, what they look like, how they're prepared, and how they affect people.
Understanding Entheogens

In Pharmacotheon, Jonathan Ott takes us on a journey to explore the world of entheogens - psychoactive substances used in religious or shamanic contexts. He provides a comprehensive look into their history, uses, and effects, making it a must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of botany, chemistry, and spirituality.

The Role of Psychoactive Substances in History

Ott digs deep into the role psychoactive substances have played in human history. From ancient rituals to modern medicine, he shows how these substances have shaped cultures and societies around the world. It's a fascinating look into a rarely discussed aspect of our past.

The Science Behind Psychoactive Substances

Pharmacotheon isn't just about history and culture. Ott also delves into the science behind these substances. He explains how they interact with our bodies and minds, making complex concepts accessible to all readers. If you've ever wondered how these substances work, this book has the answers.

The Legal and Ethical Aspects

Ott doesn't shy away from the controversial aspects of psychoactive substances. He explores the legal and ethical issues surrounding their use, providing a balanced perspective. Whether you agree with him or not, his arguments will make you think.

A Comprehensive Resource

Pharmacotheon is more than just a book - it's a comprehensive resource. Ott includes an extensive bibliography and glossary, making it a valuable tool for further research. Whether you're a student, a researcher, or just curious, you'll find plenty to dig into here.


Hamilton Morris

Hamilton Morris
