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Personal Knowledge

464 pages, 2015

What does it take for scientific truth to take hold? What’s the difference between science and art? The answers can be found in one of the most impactful philosophy of science books of the twentieth century, Personal Knowledge: Toward a Post-Critical Philosophy. Written by Michael Polanyi in 1958, this astonishing work contends that our personal experiences and ways of sharing knowledge have a profound effect on scientific discovery. He argues against the idea of the wholly dispassionate researcher, pointing out that even in the strictest of sciences, knowing is still an art, and that personal commitment and passion are logically necessary parts of research.
The Importance of Personal Knowledge

In his book, Michael Polanyi emphasizes the importance of personal knowledge. He argues that our personal experiences and beliefs shape our understanding of the world. This means that our knowledge is not just a collection of facts, but a deeply personal part of who we are.

The Role of Passion in Discovery

Polanyi suggests that passion plays a crucial role in scientific discovery. He believes that scientists are driven by their personal commitment and emotional involvement in their research. So, if you're looking to make a breakthrough, you need to be passionate about your work.

The Tacit Dimension

One of the key concepts in Personal Knowledge is the 'tacit dimension'. This refers to the knowledge we can't put into words, but we know it intuitively. Polanyi encourages us to trust this tacit knowledge, as it often leads to new insights and discoveries.

The Limitations of Objectivity

Polanyi challenges the idea that science is purely objective. He argues that our personal beliefs and experiences always influence our understanding. So, when you're exploring a new topic, remember that your perspective is unique and valuable.

The Power of Conviction

In Personal Knowledge, Polanyi argues that conviction is a powerful force in the pursuit of knowledge. He believes that when we are convinced of a truth, we are more likely to persevere in our research and overcome obstacles. So, if you believe in your ideas, don't give up on them.

Quotes 3

Polanyi's 'Personal Knowledge' is a profound exploration of the process of discovery, challenging the modern reductionist view of knowledge.

Marjorie GreneMarjorie Grene - Philosopher, scholar

'Personal Knowledge' is a significant contribution to the philosophy of science, emphasizing the importance of personal commitment in scientific research.

Thomas KuhnThomas Kuhn - Philosopher, historian

Polanyi's 'Personal Knowledge' is a powerful critique of positivism and an insightful exploration of the nature of human knowledge.

Karl PopperKarl Popper - Philosopher, academic
Marjorie GreneThomas KuhnKarl Popper


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