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Peddling Prosperity

320 pages, 1995

economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books


999 books
Newsweek anointed Paul Krugman superstar of economists and called Peddling Prosperity the best primer around on contemporary US economic history. Others joined the chorus. This wonderful book finds him in top form, writing about the Age of Diminished Expectations―the past twenty years that were an era of economic disappointment in the US. The past twenty years, however, have been a time of intense debate, with rival ideologies that rise to power like policy entrepreneurs selling snake oil or easy answers to hard problems. Such people include Ronald Reagan's Supply-siders who left behind a $3 trillion debt when they failed to cure America's woes. A parallel can be drawn with those who shape policy within Clinton's administration by denying the existence of any crises except those in health care and education due to lack of funds―while real wages have declined for more than a decade, corporate profits have soared, most households face rising costs for food and fuel and college tuition has soared out of sight.
Understanding Economic Policy

In Peddling Prosperity, Paul Krugman takes you on a journey to understand economic policy. He breaks down complex concepts into simple, digestible pieces. You'll get to see how economic policies are formed and the impact they have on society. It's a great way to get a handle on the subject without getting lost in jargon.

The Role of Economists

Krugman explores the role of economists in shaping public policy. He argues that economists should be advisors, not decision-makers. This is a key point to understand if you're interested in how economic decisions are made. It's a fascinating look into the world of economics and policy-making.

The Impact of Economic Theories

The book also digs into the impact of economic theories on real-world situations. Krugman shows how theories can be used to justify policies that may not be in the best interest of the public. This is a must-read if you want to understand how economic theories can be used and misused.

The Politics of Economics

Krugman doesn't shy away from the politics of economics. He takes a look at how economic policies can be influenced by political agendas. This is a great way to understand the intersection of economics and politics. If you're interested in how these two fields interact, this book is for you.

The Importance of Critical Thinking

Finally, Peddling Prosperity emphasizes the importance of critical thinking. Krugman encourages readers to question economic policies and theories, rather than accepting them at face value. This is a valuable lesson for anyone, not just those interested in economics. It's a reminder to always dig deeper and think critically.



Eric Weinstein

Eric Weinstein

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