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Peace Denied

416 pages, 1977



999 books
economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books
Peace Denied: The United States, Vietnam and the Paris Agreement (Harvard University Press, 1997) is a book by Paul M. Evans that chronicles the United States' role in undermining the Paris Peace Accords of 1973 in order to ensure the continuation of the Vietnam War.
Understanding the Vietnam War

In 'Peace Denied', Gareth Porter takes us on a journey through the complex history of the Vietnam War. He provides a fresh perspective on the conflict, challenging the conventional narratives and encouraging readers to dig deeper into the events that shaped this period.

The Role of American Policy

Porter explores the role of American policy in prolonging the Vietnam War. He argues that the U.S. missed several opportunities to end the conflict earlier, leading to unnecessary loss and suffering. This book encourages readers to critically examine the decisions made by those in power.

The Importance of Diplomacy

One of the key takeaways from 'Peace Denied' is the importance of diplomacy in resolving conflicts. Porter shows how diplomatic efforts were often overlooked in favor of military action during the Vietnam War. This book serves as a reminder of the power of negotiation and dialogue.

The Impact of Misinformation

Porter's research in 'Peace Denied' reveals the damaging impact of misinformation during the Vietnam War. He shows how false narratives and propaganda can shape public opinion and influence policy decisions. This book encourages readers to seek out reliable sources and question the information they receive.

Lessons for the Future

Finally, 'Peace Denied' offers valuable lessons for the future. By examining the mistakes made during the Vietnam War, readers can gain insights into how to prevent similar situations in the future. Porter's book is a call to action for more informed and responsible decision-making in times of conflict.


authorNoam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky
