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640 pages, 1989

biographies & memoirs

biographies & memoirs

997 books
economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books


999 books
In Patriots, you experience the American Revolution—the battles, the treacheries, and the dynamic personalities of the men who forged our freedom. In this meticulously researched page-turner, you meet George Washington, John Adams, Samuel Adams, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Patrick Henry—these heroes were men of intellect, passion, and ambition. From the secret meetings of the Sons of Liberty to the final victory at Yorktown and the new Congress, Patriots brings one of history's great eras vividly to life.
Understanding the American Revolution

In Patriots, A.J. Langguth takes us on a journey through the American Revolution. He gives us a fresh perspective on the events and people that shaped the nation. You'll see the revolution in a new light, and understand the sacrifices made for freedom.

The Power of Leadership

The book explores the leadership styles of key figures like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. It shows how their decisions and actions influenced the course of history. You'll learn valuable lessons about leadership that you can apply in your own life.

The Human Side of History

Langguth doesn't just present facts and dates. He brings history to life by focusing on the human stories behind the events. You'll get to know the real people who were part of the revolution, and see how their personal struggles and triumphs shaped the nation.

The Importance of Persistence

Patriots shows us that the path to freedom wasn't easy. The revolutionaries faced numerous challenges and setbacks, but they never gave up. Their persistence is a powerful reminder of what can be achieved when we refuse to give up on our dreams.

A Deeper Appreciation for Freedom

After reading Patriots, you'll have a deeper appreciation for the freedoms we enjoy today. The book reminds us that these freedoms were hard-won, and shouldn't be taken for granted. It's a call to cherish and protect the liberties that define us as a nation.


authorBen Shapiro

Ben Shapiro

journalistmedia personalitypoliticsauthor