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Pain Free

176 pages, 2011

health & fitness

health & fitness

316 books


909 books
One in four Americans suffers from chronic pain. The Egoscue Method —a breakthrough system for eliminating pain without drugs, surgery, or expensive physical therapy—was developed by Pete Egoscue, a nationally acclaimed physiologist and sports injury consultant to some of today's top athletes.
Understanding the Body's Design

Pete Egoscue explains that our bodies are designed for movement. He emphasizes that if we don't use our bodies as they're intended, we can experience pain and discomfort. So, it's time to get up, move around, and let your body do what it's designed to do.

The Power of Posture

In Pain Free, you'll find that posture plays a significant role in our overall health. Egoscue suggests that poor posture can lead to chronic pain. So, take a look at your posture, make necessary adjustments, and you might just find your pain disappearing.

The Egoscue Method

The book introduces the Egoscue Method, a series of exercises designed to correct misalignments in the body. These exercises can help alleviate chronic pain. So, if you're tired of living with pain, it might be time to explore the Egoscue Method.

Self-Healing Approach

Pete Egoscue encourages a self-healing approach. He believes that with the right knowledge and tools, we can treat our own chronic pain. Pain Free provides these tools, so you can take control of your health.

Prevention is Better than Cure

The book emphasizes the importance of preventing pain rather than just treating it. By understanding how our bodies work and making necessary lifestyle changes, we can prevent chronic pain. So, check out Pain Free and start your journey to a healthier, pain-free life.


authorTony Robbins

Tony Robbins

entrepreneurmedia personalityauthor