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Other Minds

272 pages, 2018

science & nature

science & nature

1064 books


711 books


705 books
In Other Minds, Peter Godfrey-Smith, a distinguished philosopher of science and a skilled scuba diver, tells a bold new story of how subjective experience crept into being—how nature became aware of itself. It is a story that largely occurs in the ocean, where animals first appeared. Here on the sunlit surface dwell sharks, dolphins, and whales; below them is a black abyss inhabited by a giant squid and other mysterious beings. It was here that a group of animals developed capacities like those of human beings: they learned from their mistakes and from one another, solved difficult problems, used tools, and constructed sophisticated shelters. They studied the world. They were smart. And then there were the cephalopods—the squids and octopuses, who began as small creatures in ancient seas but evolved into larger beings with large brains and eyes very like ours. They could think and see things in ways not too different from us: they were also smart.
Understanding Octopus Intelligence

In 'Other Minds', Peter Godfrey-Smith takes us on a journey to explore the fascinating world of octopuses and their unique intelligence. He shows us that these creatures are not just smart, but they have a consciousness that's different from ours. It's like they're aliens living right here on Earth!

Evolution of Consciousness

Godfrey-Smith digs into the evolution of consciousness, using octopuses as a case study. He suggests that consciousness might not be exclusive to humans or even mammals. This book will make you rethink what you thought you knew about the animal kingdom.

The Power of Observation

The author emphasizes the importance of observation in understanding other species. He spent countless hours observing octopuses in their natural habitats. So, if you're curious about the world around you, this book will inspire you to look closer and see what you can find.

Philosophy and Science Combined

Peter Godfrey-Smith, being a philosopher and a scuba diver, combines philosophy and science in a unique way. He uses his experiences underwater to ask deep philosophical questions about the nature of consciousness and existence. It's a great read if you're into both philosophy and nature.

Respect for All Life Forms

One of the key messages in 'Other Minds' is the respect for all life forms. The author shows us that even creatures as different from us as octopuses have their own ways of experiencing the world. This book will make you see all animals in a new light and might even change how you interact with them.

Quotes 4

Other Minds is a fascinating and unique take on the minds of cephalopods, making us rethink our understanding of intelligence.

Frans de WaalFrans de Waal - Primatologist, Ethologist

Other Minds is a captivating exploration of the octopus and its surprisingly complex intelligence.

Yuval Noah HarariYuval Noah Harari - Historian, Author

Other Minds is a brilliant analysis of what makes cephalopods truly alien, yet strangely familiar.

Oliver SacksOliver Sacks - Neurologist, Author

Other Minds is a thought-provoking exploration of the evolution of intelligence, seen through the lens of cephalopods.

Richard DawkinsRichard Dawkins - Ethologist, Evolutionary Biologist
Frans de WaalYuval Noah HarariOliver SacksRichard Dawkins


Frank Chimero

Frank Chimero
