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Open Water

160 pages, 2021



1382 books
Lydia Chin is a British dance choreographer whose long-term relationship with her dancer Darren Currie in London's East End of the late 1980s forms the palpable core of this story. Together, they come to feel both friends and lovers, making them visible in an unspoken community of black gay men who are also artists—yet who, by turns, seem to be invisible. Running through the book is a shock that reverberates from one generation to the next: Darren's violent death at the hands of another young black gay man—a death that Lydia can't fully understand because he hasn't told her about himself; her own pregnancy, which disconnects and binds her to Darren; and their alternating griefs and joys as two lovers and one new parent in a very public community. Written with sensitivity and dignity, Open Water is an intimate and beautiful study of identity, both individual and social, that intensifies the meaning of love even as it asks how so many years can pass between loss and grief.
Exploring Love and Vulnerability

Open Water by Caleb Azumah Nelson is a deep exploration of love and vulnerability. The book encourages us to embrace our feelings and not be afraid to show our true selves. It's a reminder that it's okay to be vulnerable and that it can lead to deeper connections with others.

Understanding Racial Profiling

The book gives us a chance to see the harsh reality of racial profiling. It's a wake-up call to understand the struggles faced by black individuals in society. It's a chance to educate ourselves and become more empathetic.

The Power of Art and Creativity

Caleb Azumah Nelson shows us how art and creativity can be a powerful tool for self-expression. The book encourages us to explore our creative side and use it as a way to communicate our thoughts and feelings.

The Importance of Friendship

Open Water teaches us the importance of friendship. It shows us how strong bonds can help us navigate through life's challenges. It's a reminder to cherish our friends and the support they provide.

The Beauty of Prose

The book is a testament to the beauty of prose. Caleb Azumah Nelson's writing style is captivating and engaging. It's a great book for those who appreciate well-crafted sentences and thought-provoking narratives.


authorJack Edwards

Jack Edwards

media personalityauthor