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Open House

272 pages, 2001



1382 books
Samantha's husband has left her, and after a spree at Tiffany's she settles down to reconstruct a life for herself and her eleven-year-old son. Her eccentric mother tries to help by fixing her up with dates, but as Sam is broke, the most pressing problem is money. To meet her mortgage payments, Sam decides to take in borders. The first is an older woman who offers sage advice and sorely needed comfort; the second, a maladjusted student, is not quite so helpful.
Embrace Change

Elizabeth Berg's Open House encourages readers to embrace change. When the protagonist, Samantha, finds herself alone after her husband leaves, she learns to adapt and grow. This book will inspire you to see change not as a setback, but as an opportunity for personal growth.

Importance of Community

In Open House, the author beautifully illustrates the importance of community. Samantha's life takes a positive turn when she opens her home to boarders, creating a unique family. This book will make you appreciate the value of connections and relationships in your life.


Open House is a journey of self-discovery. Samantha learns to redefine her life on her own terms, discovering her strengths and capabilities in the process. This book will motivate you to explore your own potential and find your true self.

Power of Resilience

Berg's Open House is a testament to the power of resilience. Despite the hardships Samantha faces, she never gives up. This book will inspire you to stay strong in the face of adversity and to always keep going.

Finding Joy in Simple Things

Open House encourages finding joy in the simple things. Samantha learns to appreciate the small moments of happiness in her life. This book will remind you to cherish the simple pleasures in life and to find happiness in everyday moments.


authorOprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey

actorentrepreneurmedia personalityauthor