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One Hundred & One Reasons To Get Out of Bed

224 pages, 2015



909 books
Millions of people all over the world are not waiting for someone to tell them what to do – they’ve already figured it out themselves. One Hundred & One Reasons to Get Out of Bed introduces us to 101 everyday earth advocates, from Sir Richard Branson and Garbage singer Shirley Manson to economist John Hewson and film director Louie Psihoyos. The book asks each one three simple questions: What gets them out of bed and why? What are they doing about it? And what can we all do about it? As you read through their stories and learn some actionable ways to take positive steps towards a brighter future, you’ll be inspired to find your own “one thing” and commit to move yourself and your community towards the brightest possibilities for the future.
Discovering Personal Motivation

One Hundred & One Reasons To Get Out of Bed by Natasha Milne encourages readers to explore their personal motivations. It's about finding what truly drives you to get up every morning and face the day with enthusiasm.

Inspiring Stories

The book is filled with inspiring stories from people all over the world. These stories will make you see the world from different perspectives and might even inspire you to make a change in your own life.

Environmental Awareness

Natasha Milne emphasizes the importance of being environmentally conscious. She encourages readers to research and understand the impact of their actions on the environment and to take steps towards a more sustainable lifestyle.

Promoting Positive Change

The book promotes positive change. It's not just about getting out of bed, but about making the most of each day. It encourages readers to take a look at their lives and see where they can make positive changes.

Empowerment and Action

One Hundred & One Reasons To Get Out of Bed is all about empowerment and action. It's a call to action for readers to not just dream about making a difference, but to actually take steps to make those dreams a reality.


authorRichard Branson

Richard Branson

entrepreneurmedia personalityauthor