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Once an Eagle

1312 pages, 2013



1382 books
Once an Eagle by Anton Myrer is the story of one special man, a soldier named Sam Damon, and his adversary over a lifetime, fellow officer Courtney Massengale. Damon is a professional who puts duty, honor, and the men he commands above self-interest. Massengale, however, brilliantly advances by making the right connections behind the lines and in Washington's corridors of power. Beginning in the French countryside during World War I, the conflict between these adversaries solidifies in the isolated garrison life marking peacetime, intensifies in the deadly Pacific jungles of World War II, and reaches its treacherous conclusion in the last major battleground of the Cold War—Vietnam.
The Importance of Integrity

Anton Myrer's Once an Eagle explores the significance of maintaining integrity in all aspects of life. The protagonist, Sam Damon, is a shining example of a man who values honesty and fairness above all else. This book encourages readers to look into their own values and see the importance of integrity in their lives.

The Cost of Ambition

Myrer's book also delves into the dangers of unchecked ambition. The character of Courtney Massengale is a stark contrast to Sam Damon, showing how ambition without principles can lead to destruction. It's a great reminder to check our ambitions and ensure they're aligned with our values.

The Reality of War

Once an Eagle doesn't shy away from the harsh realities of war. It provides a raw and unfiltered look into the life of a soldier, the sacrifices they make, and the toll it takes on them. If you're interested in exploring the realities of war, this book is a must-read.

The Power of Leadership

Leadership is a key theme in Once an Eagle. Sam Damon's leadership style is one of compassion, understanding, and fairness. He shows us that true leaders inspire others not through fear, but through respect and trust. This book encourages readers to research and develop their own leadership skills.

The Struggle of Balancing Personal and Professional Life

Anton Myrer beautifully illustrates the struggle of balancing personal and professional life. Sam Damon's journey shows us that it's not easy, but it's possible. This book encourages readers to find a balance in their own lives, making it a great read for anyone juggling multiple responsibilities.

Quotes 3

Once an Eagle is simply the best war and peacetime novel I've ever read.

Tom ClancyTom Clancy - Bestselling Author

Once an Eagle is a must-read for those who wish to understand the essence of military leadership.

General Raymond T. OdiernoGeneral Raymond T. Odierno - Former Army Chief

Once an Eagle is the book that I give to my senior officers and expect them to read.

General Norman SchwarzkopfGeneral Norman Schwarzkopf - Military Commander
Tom ClancyGeneral Raymond T. OdiernoGeneral Norman Schwarzkopf


Stanley McChrystal

Stanley McChrystal

James Mattis

James Mattis
