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On Balance
336 pages, 2011
In On Balance, Adam Phillips takes us on a journey to explore the concept of balance in our lives. He suggests that balance isn't about perfection, but about managing the chaos in our lives. It's about finding a middle ground between our desires and reality.
Phillips makes a compelling case for the role of excess in our lives. He argues that our excesses, whether they're desires, fears, or ambitions, can be a source of creativity and growth. So, don't be afraid to embrace your excesses, they might lead you to something great.
While the book's title might suggest otherwise, Phillips actually emphasizes the importance of unbalance. He believes that it's through our moments of unbalance that we truly learn and grow. So, next time you feel off-kilter, remember that it's an opportunity for growth.
Phillips encourages us to embrace ambiguity. He argues that life isn't black and white, and we shouldn't try to make it so. Instead, we should learn to navigate the gray areas and find balance within them.
One of the most powerful takeaways from On Balance is the importance of listening. Phillips, a renowned psychoanalyst, shows us that listening isn't just about hearing words, but about understanding the emotions and experiences behind them. So, take a moment to really listen to the people around you, it might change your perspective.