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OK, Mr. Field

224 pages, 2018



1382 books
For decades, Cather's O Pioneers! It has been recognized as her finest achievement, an ambitious work that sets the tone for many of her novels to come. It is a story in which the sharp physical realities and myths of the frontier are presented together, in an attempt to convey the transformation of the land and those who came to settle it. The story itself is a pioneer tale, following Alexandra Bergson as she grows up to become a successful farmer on the Nebraska prairie. However, tragedy enters into Alexandra's life because of her inability to commit to one person and because of her constant focus on the land. In this way, Cather's pioneer story contains elements that could be described as both triumphant and tragic, for it is through this dichotomy that we see that these people have successfully tamed a wild land but have sacrificed their humanity in the process.
Exploring the Concept of Loneliness

In OK, Mr. Field, Katharine Kilalea explores the theme of loneliness in a unique and profound way. The protagonist's isolation is not just physical, but also emotional and psychological. This book encourages us to look into our own experiences of loneliness and how it shapes our perception of the world.

The Power of Music

Music plays a significant role in the book. The protagonist, a concert pianist, uses music as a means to communicate and express his feelings. This book invites us to explore the power of music in our lives and how it can be a source of comfort and understanding.

Understanding the Impact of Physical Spaces

Katharine Kilalea uses the setting of a peculiar house to reflect the protagonist's state of mind. The book encourages us to see how our physical surroundings can influence our mental and emotional state.

The Intricacies of Human Relationships

OK, Mr. Field delves into the complexities of human relationships. The protagonist's interactions with others are often awkward and strained, reflecting his struggle to connect with people. This book encourages us to research our own relationships and how we connect with others.

The Journey of Self-Discovery

Throughout the book, the protagonist embarks on a journey of self-discovery. Despite his isolation, he learns more about himself and his place in the world. This book invites us to take a look at our own journey of self-discovery and how we find meaning in our lives.


Sarah Jessica Parker

Sarah Jessica Parker
