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224 pages, 2017



1382 books
Nutshell is a classic story of murder and deceit, told by a narrator with a perspective and voice unlike any in recent literature. The reader is taken on an intellectual rollercoaster that begins with the question of guilt—who was responsible for the ghastly murders?—and ends with a question of morality—who has the right to determine who shall live or die? —To be bound in a nutshell see the world in two inches of ivory, in a grain of sand. Why not when all literature, all of the art, of human endeavor is just a speck in the universe of possible things?
Unique Narrative Perspective

In Nutshell, Ian McEwan uses a unique narrative perspective. The story is told from the viewpoint of an unborn child. This unusual perspective encourages readers to explore the world from a completely different angle, making the book a fascinating read.

Intricate Plot

The plot of Nutshell is intricate and full of suspense. It revolves around a murder plot overheard by the unborn narrator. This suspenseful storyline will keep you on the edge of your seat, eager to find out what happens next.

Exploration of Human Nature

McEwan uses his novel to explore the complexities of human nature. Through the characters and their actions, he examines themes of love, betrayal, and moral dilemmas. This deep exploration of human nature will make you reflect on your own actions and decisions.

Masterful Use of Language

One of the key takeaways from Nutshell is McEwan's masterful use of language. Despite the limitations of the narrator's perspective, he manages to paint vivid pictures and create a captivating narrative. This book is a great example of how powerful and evocative language can be.

Thought-Provoking Themes

Nutshell is not just a suspenseful thriller, it's also a thought-provoking exploration of various themes. From the nature of existence to the complexities of relationships, this book will make you think and question. So, if you're looking for a book that's more than just a good story, check out Nutshell.


authorAntonio García Martínez

Antonio García Martínez

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