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Not Just Lucky

336 pages, 2018

business & management

business & management

1082 books


909 books
Jamila Rizvi is a media star and this is her exploration of confidence. Accessible and timely, this book is essential reading for millennial women. Australian women are suffering from a crisis of confidence about work, captives to a voice inside their heads that says they’re not good enough. Accustomed to being overlooked and undervalued, even when women do get to the top, they explain their success away as ‘luck’. But it’s not. Not Just Lucky exposes the structural and cultural disadvantages that rob women of their confidence – often without them even realising it. It’s a practical toolkit that will help you negotiate a raise, deal with difficult bosses, overcome imposter syndrome, communicate more clearly, cope with failure, avoid burnout, call out sexism and finally put your hand up for that big promotion.
The 'Luck' Misconception

In Not Just Lucky, Jamila Rizvi explores the common misconception that women's success is often attributed to 'luck' rather than their skills and hard work. She encourages us to see that success is not just about luck, but about determination, resilience, and perseverance.

Imposter Syndrome

Rizvi digs into the concept of 'Imposter Syndrome' that many women experience in their professional lives. She explains how this self-doubt can hold women back from reaching their full potential and provides strategies to overcome it.

Workplace Inequality

The book takes a hard look at the gender inequality that still exists in many workplaces. Rizvi provides research-backed insights into the challenges women face, such as the pay gap and lack of representation in leadership roles.

Practical Advice

Not Just Lucky is not just a critique of societal norms, but it also offers practical advice. Rizvi shares tips and strategies for women to navigate their careers, from negotiating salaries to asserting themselves in meetings.

Empowerment and Solidarity

One of the key messages in Not Just Lucky is the importance of women supporting each other. Rizvi encourages women to empower each other, fostering a sense of solidarity and collective strength. This book is a call to action for all women to stand up, speak out, and demand equality.


Zoë Foster Blake

Zoë Foster Blake
