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Nobody Walks

336 pages, 2015



1382 books
Tom Bettany is an engineer in France when he gets a phone call from an Englishwoman he doesn't know, telling him that his 26-year-old son has fallen from his London balcony, where he was smoking marijuana. Now for the first time since they stopped speaking years ago, Tom will return to London to find out the truth about his son's death. Maybe it's the guilt he feels about losing touch with his son that's gnawing at him, or maybe he's actually put his finger on a labyrinthine plot, but either way, he'll get to the bottom of the tragedy, no matter whose feathers he has to ruffle.
Exploring the Intricacies of Human Relationships

Mick Herron's Nobody Walks is a deep exploration of human relationships. The book takes you on a journey through the complexities of human interactions, revealing how our past can shape our present and future. It's a must-read for anyone looking to understand the human condition better.

Unraveling the Mystery of Identity

In Nobody Walks, Herron delves into the concept of identity. He shows how our identities can be shaped by our experiences, and how they can be used to manipulate us. This book will make you question your own identity and the roles you play in your life.

The Art of Storytelling

Mick Herron is a master storyteller, and Nobody Walks is a testament to his skill. The book is filled with twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat. If you're a fan of suspense and intrigue, you'll love this book.

Exploring the Dark Side of Society

Nobody Walks isn't afraid to explore the darker side of society. The book delves into the world of crime and corruption, showing how these elements can infiltrate even the most ordinary of lives. It's a sobering look at the world we live in, and a reminder that not everything is as it seems.

The Power of Redemption

One of the key themes in Nobody Walks is redemption. Herron shows that no matter how far we fall, there's always a chance for redemption. This book will inspire you to believe in second chances and the power of change.
