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No One Is Talking About This

224 pages, 2021



1382 books
Bianca Xunise is a celebrated social media celebrity known for her witty, bold, and often controversial posts. She has millions of followers and fans who can't get enough of the new imagery she constantly shares. Her life is incredibly exciting—but after a while, she discovers that fame might not be all it's cracked up to be. Bianca realizes that her life has become more than just an online persona—her Internet presence is overtaking her “real” life, and she doesn't like it. Bianca decides to take matters into her own hands, and sets out on a journey to discover the real meaning behind what she's posting; why people love it so much; and how it relates to herself as a person. Her journey leads her from one location to another, and the farther away from home she gets (and the more people she meets), the more she begins to understand about herself.
The Power of Social Media

Patricia Lockwood explores the influence and impact of social media on our lives. She shows how it can shape our thoughts, behaviors, and interactions. It's a great reminder to check how much time we spend online and what we could be missing out on in the real world.

The Importance of Real-Life Connections

The book emphasizes the value of real-life connections over virtual ones. It encourages us to look into our relationships and find ways to strengthen them. It's a wake-up call to prioritize face-to-face interactions and cherish the people around us.

The Duality of Life

No One Is Talking About This presents the duality of life - the online and offline worlds. It's a fascinating exploration of how these two worlds can coexist and influence each other. It's a great book to read if you're interested in understanding this balance.

The Impact of Virality

Lockwood digs into the concept of virality and its effects. She shows how quickly things can spread online and the potential consequences. It's a great book to read if you want to understand the power and risks of viral content.

The Value of Personal Experiences

The book highlights the importance of personal experiences and emotions. It shows how they can shape our perspectives and actions. It's a great reminder to value our experiences and learn from them.


authorJack Edwards

Jack Edwards

media personalityauthor