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No One Is Coming to Save Us

384 pages, 2018



1382 books
The Great Gatsby was brilliantly revisited in the contemporary South in a first novel about an African-American family. J. J. Ferguson had left his hometown of Pinewood, North Carolina to build his dream home and woo his high school sweetheart, Ava. But he found that the people he once knew and loved were changed—just as he was. Ava was now married, and wanted a baby more than anything. The decline of the town’s once thriving furniture industry had made her husband Henry grow distant and frustrated. Sylvia had put her own life on hold as she catered to and meddled with those around her, trying to fill the void left by her absent son. And Don, Sylvia’s undeserving but charming husband, just wouldn’t stop hanging around.
The Importance of Family

In No One Is Coming to Save Us, Stephanie Powell Watts explores the significance of family ties. She shows us that no matter how complicated or strained these relationships can be, they are a crucial part of our identity and can provide a sense of belonging.

The American Dream

The book gives us a fresh perspective on the American Dream. It's not always about wealth and success, but about finding happiness and contentment in what we have. It's a reminder to appreciate the small things in life.

The Struggles of Adulthood

Watts does a great job of portraying the challenges of adulthood. From dealing with past mistakes to navigating relationships and the pressure to succeed, the book encourages us to face our fears and grow from our experiences.

The Power of Resilience

One of the key messages in No One Is Coming to Save Us is the power of resilience. The characters in the book face numerous setbacks, but their ability to bounce back shows us the strength of the human spirit.

Exploring Racial and Social Issues

The book also takes a look at racial and social issues in America. Through the characters' experiences, we get a glimpse of the struggles faced by African Americans and the impact of social class on people's lives.


Sarah Jessica Parker

Sarah Jessica Parker
