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No Hard Feelings

business & management

business & management

1082 books


909 books


705 books
The modern workplace is a minefield of confusing power structures, unwritten rules, and tricky emotional situations. We're expected to be authentic (that's the easy part), take up space with confidence (not too much, or you'll get fired), and manage our emotions well enough to not let panic or rage hurt our health or productivity. Our appeal is also key: we must be professional enough that we can't just be replaced by a robot, but emotionally intelligent enough that we're not boring as hell either. In this book, we'll help you figure out which emotions to toss and which to keep to yourself in order to thrive in your profession. We'll share the latest research and helpful tips on how you can improve your emotional intelligence and focus at work.
Emotions at Work

In No Hard Feelings, Mollie West Duffy explores the importance of emotions in the workplace. She suggests that instead of suppressing feelings, we should understand and manage them to improve our work performance and relationships.

The Power of Emotional Diversity

The book encourages us to embrace emotional diversity. Duffy argues that a range of emotions, even those considered negative, can contribute to a more dynamic and productive work environment. So, don't be afraid to show your true feelings at work.

Emotional Intelligence

No Hard Feelings emphasizes the role of emotional intelligence in career success. It's not just about being smart or skilled, but also about understanding and responding to your own and others' emotions. Check out the book to find out how to boost your emotional intelligence.

The Balance of Logic and Emotion

Duffy suggests that the best decisions are made when we balance logic and emotion. She provides practical tips on how to achieve this balance in the book. It's definitely worth a look if you want to make better decisions at work.

Managing Stress and Burnout

The book also tackles the issue of workplace stress and burnout. Duffy offers strategies to manage these challenges and maintain your emotional health. If you're feeling overwhelmed at work, you might want to dig into No Hard Feelings for some helpful advice.


authorCal Newport

Cal Newport

authorAdam Grant

Adam Grant
