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Nine Pints

384 pages, 2019

science & nature

science & nature

1064 books
health & fitness

health & fitness

316 books
Blood is the source of life, yet it is also a waste product and a commodity pricier than oil. It can save lives and transmit deadly infections. We each have about nine pints of blood in our bodies, but many people don’t even know their blood type. And for all its ubiquity, the few tablespoons of blood discharged by 800 million women are still regarded as taboo; menstruation is perhaps the single most demonized biological event. Rose George takes us from ancient practices of bloodletting to modern hemovigilance teams that track blood-borne diseases in Nine Pints, a witty exploration of an invisible but essential force that runs through us all.
The Importance of Blood

In Nine Pints, Rose George takes us on a journey to explore the significance of blood in our lives. She shows us that blood is not just a bodily fluid, but a crucial element that plays a vital role in our health, identity, and society.

The Global Blood Industry

George digs into the global blood industry, revealing its complexities and controversies. She shows us how this industry is not just about saving lives, but also involves issues of ethics, politics, and economics.

The History of Blood Transfusion

The book takes a look at the history of blood transfusion, tracing its evolution from a risky procedure to a life-saving treatment. George's research shows us how scientific advancements have transformed this medical practice.

The Social and Cultural Aspects of Blood

Nine Pints also explores the social and cultural aspects of blood. George shows us how blood is not just a biological substance, but also a symbol with deep cultural and religious meanings.

The Future of Blood

Finally, George takes us to the future, exploring the potential of synthetic blood and other innovations. She encourages us to see the possibilities and challenges that lie ahead in the world of blood research.


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Bill Gates

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