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Nights at the Circus

304 pages, 1986



1382 books
From the author of The Bloody Chamber, a tale of a star aerialist and her quest. Fevvers—a circus performer part-woman, part-swan, who is courted by the Prince of Wales, painted by Toulouse-Lautrec, and loved by Jack Walser—is an aerialist extraordinaire, brought to life in maddeningly vivid prose. Walser sets out to discover Fevvers's true identity: Is she part swan or all fake? Dazzled by his love for Fevvers, and desperate for the scoop of a lifetime, he joins the circus on its tour. The journey takes him—and the reader—on an intoxicating trip through turn-of-the-century London, St. Petersburg, and Siberia—a tour so magical that only Angela Carter could have created it.
The Power of Femininity

Angela Carter explores the strength and resilience of women in Nights at the Circus. The main character, Fevvers, is a strong, independent woman who challenges societal norms. She's a great example of how women can be powerful and assertive, yet still maintain their femininity. This book encourages readers to embrace their own strength and individuality.

Magic Realism

Carter uses magic realism to create a unique and captivating world. The blend of reality and fantasy makes the story more engaging and thought-provoking. It's a great book for those who enjoy exploring different genres and want to see how they can be combined in creative ways.

Exploration of Love

Nights at the Circus is not just about circus life, it's also a love story. Carter explores the complexities of love and relationships, showing that they can be both beautiful and challenging. This book will make you think about your own relationships and how you can make them stronger.

The Circus as a Metaphor

The circus in the book is not just a setting, it's a metaphor for life. It's chaotic, unpredictable, and full of surprises, just like life itself. Carter uses the circus to show that life can be a wild ride, but it's also full of beauty and wonder. This book will make you see your own life in a new light.

The Importance of Storytelling

Carter shows the power of storytelling in Nights at the Circus. The stories told by the characters are not just entertaining, they also reveal truths about themselves and the world around them. This book will inspire you to share your own stories and see the value in the stories of others.

Quotes 5

Angela Carter's Nights at the Circus is a dazzling feat of imagination, a magical work of art.

Salman RushdieSalman Rushdie - British Indian novelist

Nights at the Circus is a glorious enchantment, a remarkable feat of storytelling.

Margaret AtwoodMargaret Atwood - Canadian poet, novelist

Nights at the Circus is a book that changed my life, a book that made me see the world differently.

Neil GaimanNeil Gaiman - English author, screenwriter

Angela Carter has a unique ability to create new worlds, and Nights at the Circus is one of her best works.

Jeanette WintersonJeanette Winterson - English writer, broadcaster

Nights at the Circus is a book of such power and beauty, it leaves you breathless.

Ali SmithAli Smith - Scottish author, playwright
Salman RushdieMargaret AtwoodNeil GaimanJeanette WintersonAli Smith


Emma Watson

Emma Watson
