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Night Thoughts

92 pages, 2017

economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books
In this radical rumination, author Wallace Shawn provides a trenchant analysis of the past and present, considering justice and equality, blame and revenge, decadence and eleventh-century Japanese court poetry. He also compares the Islamic world with the West in an attempt to envision a possible future.
Questioning the Status Quo

In Night Thoughts, Wallace Shawn encourages us to question the status quo. He challenges us to look into our own beliefs and values, and not just accept things as they are. It's a call to action for us to dig deeper into societal norms and find our own truth.

Exploring Inequality

Shawn takes a hard look at the issue of inequality in our society. He explores the deep-seated issues that perpetuate this problem and encourages us to do the same. It's a chance for us to see the world from a different perspective and understand the struggles of those less fortunate.

The Power of Self-Reflection

One of the key takeaways from Night Thoughts is the importance of self-reflection. Shawn emphasizes the need to take a step back and evaluate our actions and their impact on the world around us. It's a reminder to check in with ourselves and strive for personal growth.

Understanding Privilege

Shawn does a great job of highlighting the concept of privilege in Night Thoughts. He encourages us to recognize our own privileges and understand how they affect our interactions with the world. It's a chance for us to research more about this topic and become more empathetic individuals.

The Role of Art in Society

In Night Thoughts, he also explores the role of art in society. Shawn believes that art can be a powerful tool for social change and encourages us to see it in a new light. It's an invitation for us to find new ways to appreciate art and use it as a medium for expressing our thoughts and ideas.


Sarah Jessica Parker

Sarah Jessica Parker
